The effective meeting workshop will support individuals to identify why so many meetings are unproductive and the common mistakes or blockers of delivering effective meetings. Participants will learn how to craft a meeting purpose, the questions to ask to determine who should be part of a meeting, determine the success factors of a meeting with the end in mind, and the building blocks of an effective meeting, including the preparation, agenda, roles and responsibilities and the forum for participation. Learners will identify the steps to prepare and deliver effective meetings, the common strategies to facilitate like a professional and establish an inclusive culture that invites feedback. Participants will be given concepts to not only lead meetings effectively, but an understanding of facilitation and decision making principles to support the long-term achievement of business goals so to support collaboration within an organization so teams can grow and learn together.
Part 1 of 5
Part 2 of 5
Part 3 of 5
Part 4 of 5
Part 5 of 5
Quiz - The Art of Effective Meetings
Reflection Activities - Effective Meetings
Workbook - The Art of Effective Meetings
Copy of Workshop - Effective Meetings
About this course
- $49.00
- 9 lessons
- 0.5 hours of video content